
Thursday, June 26, 2014

$3 clock

Today I put my kids to sleep early for their nap and something magical happened. The DIY fairy came. Just kidding. I turned $3 worth of foam into a knock off version of the restoration hardware Belgium tower clock. I've been spying on decorative pieces to go into the office above Binhs desk. I was searching for something large in scale, didn't have sharp corners, looked masculine, and cheap.

Here's the clock from Restoration Hardware: 

According to their website this clock cost $1,495. And no that wasn't a typo. There's really four digits. So my cheap self decided I wanted this clock in Binh's office. The original clock is 60 inches and I only wanted about 40 inches for the room. So I dug up some white foam board I purchased at Dollar tree a few days ago for another project and started cutting away with my exacto knife while my two monsters lovely kids were napping. I actually attempted to do this project a few days ago when my kids were awake and it was impossible, so everything was on hold until today.

I started off by cutting a very large 40 inch circle. I made another inner circle with the cross inside.

Then I just cut some strips and started taping the roman numerals onto the clock with masking tape. To make things a little fancier I added some left over nail heads onto the foam.

After about an hour of cutting, measuring and taping, I got to this: 
I just realized this picture makes the clock look uneven but its just the angle. 

Finally, I whipped out my paint brush and used some left over black paint and started painting away. In the picture below you can see the nail head a little better. 

Its currently sitting outside to dry in the sun. I can't wait for it to dry and finally hang it up above of Binh's desk. That space has been empty and crying to be decorated. I'm in the look out for clock hands but have found that they cost about $20 for the size that I'm looking for.

Not bad for $3 worth of supplies IMO. Some tips if you don't have all the supplies: Black acrylic paint works just as well as black paint. If you don't have nail heads, use the brass thumbtacks. All supplies can be found for $1. So whole project would cost someone without all the supplies $5. For a statement clock this size, $5 is totally worth it.

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