
Friday, April 18, 2014

Accessories for the office

Since I can't really do anymore hands on DIY I've been shopping instead. Last week I scored some great clearance items at Marshalls for the office. First up, my $18 restoration hardware chair. I couldn't believe how cheap the chair was. I even asked the sales associate if it was the correct item and she confirmed that I'm the lucky winner of this chair. I plan to repaint the wood part black to match the office after Kaley's arrival.

Here's the chair next to my desk. I've finished painting the mirror and hung it up already. It looks a little high in the pictures below but in real life it looks fine. I purposely hung it high so the walls don't seem so empty. 

Second item on my shopping list were curtains. I got some clearance patterned curtains that match my desk for $25/pair. You can see them much better in the above picture with the chair at night. Its so hard to take pictures of it during the daytime. They aren't the best pictures but they will work for now. I removed our formal living room curtain rod and put it in the office instead. I need three identical rods for our formal space but only bought one rod when I scored them on clearance a while back so putting it in the office works out perfect.

This picture makes me want to paint the desk and storage cabinet so bad. I can't wait to finish them off. 

Here's our formal living space with only one curtain rod to refresh your memory. 

Heres the total budget breakdown so far: 

Large entertainment center and paint: $60
Desk: free
Accessories for desk: $63
Storage cabinet: $25
Kmart rug: $40
Three ikea Virserum frames and octopus art: $44
Marshalls chair $18
Curtains $25

Total: Under $285

Here are the before and after:




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