
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Entry way makeover

Last week I updated my house tour to include our entry way. I only had an empty white bench on our entry way. It fit the space perfectly and was great to sit on while putting on our shoes. BUT... if you look closely, the shoes were exposed and I can't stand it. I considered buying baskets to put the shoes in but Binh's shoes don't fit inside the baskets. :( Here is our entry way to refresh your memory.

When I bought the white bench a while ago, I had great plans to make cushions for it and all sorts of fun things but too bad I hate exposed shoes. Those are all of Binh's shoes. We have a shoe storage in the garage but for some reason he just doesn't use it. Most of the time, I'll be lucky if he puts his shoes under the bench.

Long story short, I had to find a new solution. I searched various possible options and ended up with this storage solution from Amazon.

I got it from Amazon for $119 with free shipping. I actually used my discover card cash back so it was really free. I initially was eyeing the ikea hemnes shoe cabinet but after much thought decided to buy this one instead. I like shopping on Amazon because shipping is almost always free, exact measurements are there, it was cheaper than the ikea hemnes shoe cabinet, it looked better with crystal knobs, and I was able to use my discover card cash back. The white cabinet arrived on a timely manner and looked great once assembled. It took my dad and Binh two hours to assemble this shoe cabinet.

It was really hard to take pictures of the cabinet because our front door was so bright so it made the interior so dark.

Look at all the shoes I was able to hide inside the cabinet. Isn't she lovely? I still have lots of space for more of Binh's shoe hoarding in our entry way. 

Details of the crystal knobs. A much sweeter deal compared to the Ikea Hemnes shoe cabinet for almost the same price. 

Fake orchid found on clearance at Ross for $10. 

A cookbook my friend gave me a long time ago topped with a $2 crystal tray found at the local Goodwill.

I searched many stores for a plain white mirror but couldn't find one. Finally I checked the local Target and came across this one for $35.  Its pricier but I wanted to finish off our entry way so I thought it wasn't too terrible of a deal.

Finally, no more exposed shoes. I ended up giving my parents our white bench since they wanted a bench for their entry way. 

Heres a before and after of the entry way. 

I'll do another post later about the other side of the french doors. I hung up three plain white picture frames. I feel that the space looks so much more finished after hanging up the picture frames. Our entry way really has a wow factor now.


  1. I have the Ikea one.. I love it... though I do like the crystal knob one... I was searching for one a few months ago on amazon but didn't find it oh well... would have save on taxes as well.

    don't you just love the clean look it gives and no more shoes lying around!

    1. I do really love the shoe cabinet. Finally no more shoes laying around. I was about to go to Ikea and get their shoe cabinet but lucky i found this one online. I hate going to ikea because we don't have one locally so I usually try to find alternatives before heading out to Ikea.

    2. hehe nothing beats free either... by the way.. the drawer of my cabinet is lined with this really beautiful yellow ... you should line your drawer with some contact paper.. i bet it will looks awesome!

    3. oh.. good idea. I still have a lot of contact paper that I have no use for. Thanks.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know this was almost 2 years ago, but do you know the name or have the link to this amazon shoe cabinet purchase? I've been searching for this exact item. Please help! I stumbled upon your blog and I am absolutely in love.

    1. I replied to you the other day but not sure where or why it got lost. Regardless, I was not able to pull up the cabinet anymore. I did buy it from amazon from a seller name Tagway home. Heres the "unavailable" link to the specs of the cabinet:

      What you can do is get the ikea shoe cabinet and change out the knobs to crystal ones. HTH. Good luck.
