
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First toy box

I finished the first toy box with contact paper. Its not perfect but its good enough for me. The contact paper is green and white but its ok. Emily loves all colors. Its a good sized box that contains a lot of her toys. Here of pictures of the before and after.

It was just an old acer box from many years ago. Its a good size so it got selected to be turned into Emily's new toy box. 

I first cut the flaps out and lined it with white contact paper inside. The inside was hard to line but I wanted the inside to be white. Then I lined the outside. It was very easy to line the outside. If you can wrap a present then you can do this project. I also used a chopstick to help guide the adhesive to make it smooth. 

Here is the new pretty toy box filled with toys. 

Its a perfect sized box for that spot, cheap with extra contact paper for other projects, easy 15 minute project, and very durable. I won't be afraid of Emily or any of her friends damaging the toy box. If they do then I'll make a new one. 

Here are the before pictures of Emily's playroom as a reminder.

Looking back at these old pictures makes me love the toy storage even more. 

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